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Weekly Paintings By National Award Winning Artist Terry d. Chacon

Friday, June 29, 2007

Lavender Festival

On Saturday and Sunday the Plein Air Artists of Riverside were invited to paint at the Lavender Festival in Cherry Valley, Ca. I was unable to attend on Saturday due to previous commitments so I went early Sunday morning and stayed all day. I finished 3 paintings. The first painting is a small 5 x 7 of the lavender bush. While having my lunch I was looking at each individual bush and decided a close up painting would be nice. The second painting was done late afternoon. The third painting done early morning is a vista that I thought was so beautiful. Especially the way the sun was hitting the distant mountains and the nice shadows in the foreground. The little red roof of the pump house in the center of the painting also helped in my decision to paint this particular view. After we finished painting for the day, we sat over under the huge trees and watched on of our fellow artists do a portrait painting of a young lady and listened to the lovely music. The musician playing the piano just graduated high school and is on his way to Julliard. These young talents are amazing. His younger brother also played the violin and he was incredible also. While sitting there an announcement came over that they would like everyone to stay for dinner. They had fixed lavender brisket and salad with lavender dressing, mint brownies and lavender cookies. It was the end to a beautiful day. Enjoy the 3 paintings all painted using a palate knife. They are for sale, if interested contact me. Terry

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