Saturday April 18, 2009 was Green Earth Day at Dos Lagos. Welcome to Dos Lagos Online! GIVE is the nonprofit organization who sponsors the event. Earth Day 2009

PAAR (Plein Air Artists of Riverside) was invited to participate in the festivities. This is the 3rd year PAAR has been invited to paint the event. Every year is a challenge to decide what to paint as there are so many beautiful areas around the 2 lakes. This year upon arriving and after we set up our booth with some paintings, note cards and prints, we walked up to the Starbucks to get our morning coffee. As we were walking up we were all talking and scoping out different areas to paint. I saw the area of the new Miguel's Mexican Restaurant, of course the purple part of the building kept me captivated. The theme this year was "Community" and "Celebrations". As I looked around I saw the fabulous reflections in the west side lake. Nothing better to get you in a celebratory mood than beautiful colors. At the time I started painting the reflections were so vibrant and I definitely want to capture that into my painting. My view was a challenge as I had to keep peaking through the bamboo slats on the bridge, motioning up and down as I completed the painting. All in all, I was very pleased with the outcome.
After painting we had a celebration with the artists at the amphitheatre, closed up our booth and all of us were invited to Bob and Susan De'Armond's home for a late afternoon barbecue.
Another great day of painting. Until Next Time, Enjoy the Art. Terry
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