Two new finished paintings. The first painting is Jasper. My son was cat sitting for a friend who was out of the country for about 6 months. He and Jasper became quite close and Matthew was very upset when his friend returned and took Jasper away. I have so many wonderful photos of him in very unusual poses. You can say that my son appreciates animals as much as I do and laughs at their great anecdotes. The last painting I completed of Jasper is called "Do Not Disturb". You can see the painting on my website.

The second painting is finally finished. I actually started this painting of my greyhound April last year. Other things got in the way and this week I finally completed the painting. April likes to rub her back in this huge "hibiscus" bush that we have outside our bedroom door. Many artists who come to my house to paint always end up painting this bush. Of course, April likes to try and steal the spotlight, so you either paint her or wait until she decides to move. I especially liked this photo because of the dappled light on April through the leaves and flowers of the bush.

I am enjoying some time to complete paintings I want to complete for myself, but if you would like to have your special animal painted, please let me know. Commission prices are available on my website, or contact me. Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
Feedback on the paintings is greatly appreciate.
"Do Not Disturb" shows the antics of a House Cat in repose and you captured "April and Flowers In The Spring". What a duo of Animal personalities !!!