"The Carriage Horse" 9 x 12 oil on canvas board in plein air by Terry d. Chacon
Last night Jan. 3, 2010 a few plein air artists from the PAAR were out painting on the last night of the Festival of Lights at the Mission Inn in Riverside, Ca. City of Riverside, California - Festival of Lights I have from day one of starting my collection of paintings from this historic event always wanted to paint the beautiful white horses pulling their Cinderella carriage.
We set up on the Northeast corner of Orange and 5th street and I quickly sketched a scene that I had in mind. Using the back drop of the Mission Inn and the arch way that goes over 5th street, I waited for the carriages to make their move. Once they start coming they come around every few minutes, so I was able to capture the moving carriage. Amazing the way the lights that are so plentiful just light up the street and the carriages as they come around.
After painting we met up at one of my most favorite restaurants "Las Campanas", it is located in the Mission Inn Hotel. Mission Inn Hotel - Riverside California It has the most beautiful outdoor seating of any restaurant I have ever been too and with the Holiday lights it is truly special. We sent a friend Marsha who is here visiting from Kentucky over to make reservations for us. During the festival we have tried to get in to eat a couple times, but the wait was usually over an hour. Marsha was kind enough to check it out while we painted and able to get us in. We toasted the new year with our margaritas and listened to our friends ada m. passaro and Ron talk about their early connection to the Mission Inn. Amazing place with so much history, but to hear the behind the scenes story was incredible. Afterwards we were treated to a wonderful carrot cake for desert at Ada's home. What a wonderful evening, so sad the Festival of Lights is over, but I look forward to next year and I cherish the experience I had this year.
I now have seven paintings of the Mission Inn Festival of Lights in my plein air collection. All images are available in giclee prints and note cards. Contact me if you are interested. shacone@aol.com You can purchase one at a time to build your own collection or purchase them all at a discounted price.
Happy New Year! Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
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