Yesterday I went back out to Sam Maloof's garden for a wonderful sunny S. Cal. day of painting. I started out around 8:30 as I needed to go to the warranty store for AT&T and return my razor phone which had decided to stop working the day before. We took it into the local store and they suggested that since it was under warranty that if I took it to the warranty store which was in Rancho Cucamonga they would probably give me a new phone. Well I don't think it is a new phone, probably refurbished. Sadly because my other phone died, they could not get my phone book numbers out for me so now I have to spend the day doing that. I would rather be creating artwork! I got to Sam Maloof's around 10 a.m. The parking lot was already about full with tour groups and some of the PAAR (Plein Air Artists of Riverside) artists. Katherine Lungren a new member was already set up and painting away. It is always nice to see new members so excited about finally having a group to paint with. Later Joan Coffey, Rudy Estanque and Pat Ford arrived. Unfortunately Pat forgot her pastels and was unable to paint. She took some photos, hung around for a while enjoying the day and then decided to go on home. I can't tell you how many times I have done this. It is so maddening. You take your paints out of your Plein Air gear to touch up something at home and then forget to put them back. I have forgotten my palate knives, my brushes, my paints and my canvas's on different occasions. Now I am just leaving them in my car and only adding. Unfortunately for Pat, her pastels are not as easy to replace on site from other artists as oil paints are, so she was out of luck for the day. Today I wanted to get some of the structures in a painting, all the structures on the site are very similar architecture. This structure is Sam's home and sits up from the pastel garden below where I was painting. From what one of the tour guides was saying this garden only blooms pastel flowers. The lemon tree which is the first tree in the fore ground of the painting was full of lemons, which made for a nice contrast to the lavender that was blooming below. There were still some beautiful iris's in bloom, but not many. I was within an ears length of listening to the tour guides as they went by and was going to try and remember some of the names of the different plants, but of course the only thing I can remember are the things that are already in my vocabulary. Lavender and lemon! I really like this painting and will probably submit this as one of my works at the upcoming show in Sept. at Maloof's Gardens.
The second painting I did is a 5 x 7 little gem of one of the walkways around the garden. I loved the way the shadows were passing over the path and I am quite pleased with this little painting. If you are interested in purchasing this 5 x 7 oil on canvas board original titled "Shadows on the Path" the price is $125.00 unframed. It is a little jewel and framed will make a great asset to your collection. Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
Thanks for all the submissions of titles for The Nosey Afghan! I will choose a title next week and let you know who the winner will be. I will send out a set of Note Cards to the lucky winner. You still have time to email me with your submission. On another note. Comments. If you have tried to leave a comment and you do not see it posted under the post you commented about, I probably never got it. I hope I have this feature fixed so comment away. You can also go back and comment on previous works if you like. It's always fun to read the comments......
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