Well now that the Thanksgiving day is coming to an end, I thought I would share with you my painting to add to my series of Christmas paintings. This painting is called "The Story About the Man in the Moon?" I always wanted to incorporate my Greyhound with the Afghans and after many sketches this is what I came up with. I thought about putting them in a Southern California scene with palm trees and the ocean, but as I started painting the cold snowy night seemed more appropriate. I knew I wanted a night scene and as I started painting the moon, I started thinking about how excited I get to this day when I see a full moon. So this painting has very special meaning. When I was very young we lived next to a family that I became very well acquainted with, they happen to raise Collies. They had an older sister and we would talk for hours in the early evening in the summer and for some reason she would always ask me to tell a story. My favorite was to tell stories about the man in the moon. So there you have it a little of my past and I hope this painting now has special meaning to you too. Another thing I really like about this painting is the way it looks like an old Christmas card when I print it out. Until next time, Enjoy the ART! Terry