This is my submission for the Aug. Virtual Party Forum. The original photo for this months painting was taken by Linda
Shantz (
http://www.lindashantz.com/). Linda and Kimberly
Santini started this wonderful forum a few months ago. This is the second time I have been able to participate and I love doing this. Every artists who is in the group paints from the same photo. It is so great to see the many different views that each artists come up with. Thanks again to Linda and Kim for this opportunity.
I have had so many of you ask me to demo again on my blog that I am choosing this opportunity to show you my approach.
Please enjoy and any questions or comments are welcomed.

This is the original photo that was presented. We had 3 days to do the painting, but you are to give yourself only 24 hours. Since I like to work with a palate knife my submission took maybe 1 1/2 hours top to complete. Remember I like to suggest not describe.

I quickly drew on my canvas board with charcoal to get my horse and rider in position. I noticed that I had the horses head tilted a bit more than the photo, but because it is my painting I decided to give the horse a bit more movement. You can do this with any photo or even when you are painting on location.
Exaggerate to make the composition more about you as an artist.

The next step is to put some color down on the canvas. I chose warm colors where the horse and rider are in the sun and cool colors where there is shade or shadows. Before filling up the different masses I always start out with a speck of each color in each mass. From here I can start determining my values in the painting before adding so much paint and then realizing it is wrong. After evaluating the values and tweaking the colors depending on where they are, I then paint in the different shapes. Painting with a palate knife allows you to put color into color without making the colors muddy. You lay the paint right on top of the other color, if you want to blend you press a little harder, if not you use a very light touch. You might notice that I do not paint in all the edges during this step. As I add more colors on top of more color the shapes get larger and will eventually grow into each other.

After adding color into color and paying attention to keep my values and my drawing correct, I try to stop before adding details that do not mean anything to the painting. Remember suggest not describe. I hope you have enjoyed this small demo and you enjoy the painting. Now to submit it to the forum. I will ask how you can see all the other paintings from the forum and put it up on my post. Until next time, ENJOY THE ART.
Terry d.
ChaconPS: I am in the middle of two very important shows coming up. I have been working very hard and unfortunately my blog will not get the attention it normally does. Please bare with me. I promise to get back on track after the following.
Art Live 2009 at Gallery 225. You can read more about this exhibit of international artists here:
Harvard Toback's Gallery 225 I am very proud to have been asked to be in this exhibit. Abbe and I will be going to see the exhibit at Gallery 225, after the Afghan Hound Club of America National Specialty in Lancaster, PA. I will have an artist booth at
AHCA during the 5 days of the show. Bronze Sculptures, my new jewelry cast in sterling silver and bronze, hand painted jewelry,
giclee prints and
note cards will all be available. Be sure to stop by.
COMMENTS via email:
Another great painting! Thanks for sharing the steps with pictures.Very interesting. I am so glad there are a few wonderful artists and I don't have to ever try to be one. Leave it to the pros!kathy
Terry you nailed it, I love the movemnet of both the horse and the rider, and the impressionistic nature of the whole painting. Love, It, Pat
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful description of the process and a beautiful painting.
Wynne (from Bangalore, India)
Great interpretation for the pARTy painting...love the colors!