"Back Lit, Back Bay" 6 x 9 oil on canvas by Terry d. Chacon
On June 9, 2010 my friend and pastel artist Patricia Rose Ford treated me to a day at the beach for my birthday. We left out early so we could stop by King of Frame to get some framing done and then headed to Crystal Cove one of our favorite spots. We painted in the morning and had a wonderful lunch on the beach at the Beachcomber Cafe. After this we headed to Newport Back Bay, I will be exhibiting my artwork there July 24 and 25, 2010 and want to have some new paintings. We drove around trying to figure out the best way to capture the late afternoon sun and chose this spot overlooking the bay.
I had painted this spot before but it was late morning so the painting is completely different plus it was in Jan. which the light is very different as well. I loved the way the light was coming through the fast moving clouds and made this brilliant light on the water as it passed over the grasses and the back lit formations of plants in the foreground. Happy we were as we packed up and headed back home for the day.
Now the rest of the story I will try to get through without a tear and hope that you will enjoy this experience as well. A few weeks back my cousin sent me some photos of my family from when we were growing up. I lost all contact to my mom's photo album after she passed away unexpectedly 23 years ago. So I don't have much from my childhood to share with my son Matthew. I so appreciated my cousin sending these photos to me of which I will cherish forever. I set the photos down and headed out. Somehow these photos were placed under a pile of books and I had thought I had lost them. When my housekeeper Patsy arrived I was going to ask her to be sure and look for the photos as I hurried to tidy up the house so she could do her cleaning. Might I add Patsy is the best and has cleaned for me around 10 years. So she knows me pretty well. I went to pick up a pile of books and there were the photos. I shouted out to Patsy that I had found them and proceeded to tell her about them as one photo in particularly fell out. OMG, Patsy picked up the photo and said is this your mom, I said yes. She said she is standing at the place where you painted yesterday. I could not believe my eyes, there she was standing in front of the bluff at Newport Back Bay. This photo I believe was taken in the late 60's.
The presence of my mother has come and gone over the years from that awful day when she was taken away from us, but never like this. Patsy and I just cried and hugged each other as I realized she was there with me while I painted and this was a sign of her presence on my birthday. What a wonderful experience of which I will cherish the rest of my life.
So this painting "Back Lit at Back Bay" is for you mom. Now I know you know where my life has taken me and that you were my inspiration in becoming an artist.

"Party Day at Crystal Cove" 9 x 12 oil on Canvas by Terry d. Chacon
Terry painting at Crystal Cove.

Patricia Rose Ford painting at Crystal Cove. Thank you Pat for a fabulous day. I also want to thank all of my friends and family from around the world who sent Birthday Wishes and presents. You are all truly special. I will remember this outing and this birthday for the rest of my life.
Until next time, PLEASE ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
PS: Congratulations to John Schoolcraft who won the drawing for a FREE Giclee print. Stay tuned for more drawings for free artwork from Terry d. Chacon. (What you didn't know about the drawing, sign up to receive my blog by email and be sure to sign up on my fan page on facebook, Artistic Impressions by Terry d. Chacon.)
Terry, I feel quite honored that I shared that spot with you on Wed. I'm sure it was your mother's shinning light that made that painting glow. WOW, I'm sure she is really proud of the artists that you have become. Pat