"Monument Point" Laguna Beach

"Beringer Winery" Napa Valley
The above 2 paintings were chosen by curator Harv Toback from Gallery 225 http://www.harvtobackgallery.com/shows.html in New York City to be part of the upcoming exhibit ArtLive 2009. Gallery 225 has joined Chair and the Maiden Gallery to present to you a group of International artists. This is the second year for this exhibit and Gallery 225 is very excited to join the group of galleries in NYC promoting artists from around the world. You do not want to miss this huge event. Sept. 3 through Oct. 4. Reception at Chair and the Maiden is Sept. 3 from 6 to 8 and at Gallery 225 Sept. 9 from 6 to 8.
Here is a list of artists exhibiting at Gallery 225.
Luis Alves, Estelle Levy, Larry Catanzaro, Keven Lock, Nick Cerulli, Kenneth Parris III,
Terry d. Chacon, Jerome Podwil, Mary Folliet, Guy Powers, James Patrick Gazlay, Emily Rich,
Gladys Hanft, Lester Richter, Anton Kandinsky, Robin Glasser Sacknoff, Yudel Kyler,
Beatrice Scaccia, Jose Gonzalez Leonardi, W. Douglas Topper, Yukako.
Unfortunately I won't be able to make the reception of this exhibit, however, I will be going in to see the show on Sept. 20. I will take photos and have a full report on my blog after this.
Another promotion online for this exhibit. artliveworld.com - HOME Press on the link for Gallery 225 to see one of my paintings for the promotion of this show.
Until next time, ENJOY THE ART. Terry d. Chacon
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