We came upon this wonderful gallery full of these remarkable sculptures. Yep, none other than Richard MacDonald. You can view his website at http://www.richardmacdonald.com/. We went in and started chatting with the Gallery Director who was Richard's son. What a wonderful person he is and a great asset to this particular gallery. He explained his dad's methods, his career and of course I bought the video that was playing on this large screen in the gallery. Richard sculpts using live models for his work and sculpts as they dance and do beautiful poses. I was so inspired by him that I cannot wait to start my next bronze.
Rich told us how to get to the Art Supply store from his gallery. Pat and I found the store and were delighted with our finds. I bought an armature so I can start my next bronze and some other things that I needed in my studio. We then went on to the Festival. I was wonderful seeing all the artwork and chatting with some of the artist who were there. We ended up having our late lunch/early dinner at the Festival of Arts. Pat and I were so enthralled with our lunch and chatting that we soon realized, the restaurant was closed and they were setting up for a wedding. We laughed as we looked around and the tables were all moved but ours and chairs were set up all around us. We asked the waiter why she didn't tell us to move and she smiled and said there was no hurry and we looked like we were having a good time!
Off to the beach. I wanted to go back to a place the PAAR group had painted a while back which is at the Montage Resort. The painting I did was from another bluff looking down at the Keyhole Rock which sits directly behind the hotel. Here is a link to the Montage, if your ever in the area it is a must see and a luxury place to stay.
Laguna Beach California Luxury Beach Resorts Montage Resort & Spa Orange County Luxury Spa Resort
On a very sad note, 67 afghan hounds were confiscated this past week and the AHCA is taking responsibility to re-home these afghan hounds. If you can find it in your heart to make a donation to this cause please go to this website for details. http://mosso.net/rescue I will be donating an 11 x 14 oil painting ($600.00 value) of your dog, painted by me from your photograph, and all proceeds will go to this rescue effort. It will become available soon on the site above for you to either bid on or buy tickets, however, the group wants to set it up to bring in the most money. I am also sending Barb Hastings (AHCA rescue chair) $200.00 worth of note cards so that she can thank people who have opened up their hearts to this cause. I am sure once you see the details on the website and look into these wonderful Afghans eyes you will want to help too.
UNTIL NEXT TIME, ENJOY THE ART and give your animals an extra hug! Terry d. Chacon
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