Each day at the festival has been fun, funny and funnier! Friday Luz Perez and I arrived around noon. Sharon
Suhovy and Rudy
Estanque were set up and painting away. We quickly set up our booth and began painting. I found some shade nearby the tent that holds my artwork so I could help any customers who might come out our way. Another landscape view of the old oak tree was calling me. I wanted to try and make this a very peaceful painting and not as much going on as the one I had done the week before. The weather was hot but the air quality was very grey expecially in the distance making the mountains very subdued in the painting. I had put the fence in originally on the right hand side and when I went out the next day I realized the fence was actually going across in front of the old oak tree. I added that later. The resort has brought in some sheep that make their home down by the old oak tree, but since they told me about the rattle snakes that make their home around the old oak tree also, I have not been down their to see the sheep. On Sunday I was told by a couple ladies that I should go down there as they said the tree is so huge that it kind of puts you in a trance when you stand near by. Also, another man said at one time someone must have tried to pull the tree up with a huge chain. He said the chain is actually
embedded in the trunk. So I am learning lots about this tree, but I will probably never go down to see for myself.
Late in the afternoon, Rudy was painting and all of a sudden the leg gave out on his easel. All of his equipment including his painting, umbrella, brushes, paints, palate went into the pond. I quickly ran over the help him retrieve his gear. What a mess, but all was salvageable. I think someone got some photos of the scene, so when I get them I will add them to this post. It actually was pretty funny after. Then Sharon went to get in her car and we think that the same 6 foot snake that scared the daylights out of me the week before decided to guard her car. It would not let her in for some reason, went under the car and kept coming out after her if she tried to get close. She called for some help and a group of helpers from the festival came to help her. She said they finally figured out that she had parked very close to the snakes hole and it was just trying to get there and not really hurt anyone. Ya right, they still scare me to death!
Saturday is an early day to arrive at the Festival. When I arrived I noticed immediately that the red canoe had been banked and the morning light was terrific. I took artist liberty and took out the back of the cafe, and put in a couple of the
unkept palms in the area to make a better design as I want the main focus to be the red canoe. The sharp shadow under the boat really captures the scene. A funny note on this day was a man came and set beside me. Now you have to realize there is so many tables and chairs and most of them were empty all around, but no he sits right next to me. I thought he wanted to watch me paint. He set there very quietly and before you know it he is snoring up a storm. I could not believe it. Finally it got so annoying that I started making
noise and he woke up as if to say "Hey, you woke me up!" He got up and left. Boy the wonders of painting outdoors.

Sunday Sharon joined us again. My son Matthew and his girlfriend Taylor came in late Sat. night. They came out to see the festival along with my husband Eddie. We had a nice time, but I had talked so much about snakes that my son said "if I see one snake I am outta here." Luckily I have not seen any snakes since the first day, but I am on the watch and stepping lightly everywhere I go. Sunday I decided to paint a vertical painting of the oak tree. It is amazing what a difference a day makes. Today was bright and sunny and the paintings even though they are of the same subject are so different in color.
Next week we will be moving our booth up to the front on the lawn area. So stay tuned for some different looking paintings from the Lavender Festival. Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon