This year Mr. Sahabi would like 30 artists to paint for his Dos Lagos Collection. Last year we were invited to paint at the two man made lakes during the one day Green Earth Day event. The pressure was on to get a good painting for his collection. Later in the summer he invited all the artists and their families to a lovely dinner celebration. I was unable to attend because of a previous commitment but everyone had a wonderful time. This year Mr. Sahabi wanted the artist to paint his up and coming golf course. The entrance to the golf course is across the street from his Dos Lago Shopping center and lakes. Joan Coffey set up the times for 8 artist to come out to the Golf Course and be taken by golf cart to 1 of 4 locations. We were each given 2 days. The first day I was given was on a Wed. It was a chilly morning, but sunny. The nice gal that carted us around asked me what I like to paint and I said I would like to paint the creek. Unfortunately to keep the artists safe from flying golf balls from the golfers we had a lot of restrictions. I had to paint from a bridge that actually went over the water. Not getting much of a view I decided to paint the green of hole #9. The shadows when I arrived were in front of me and along the creek bed by the line of cottonwood trees. I thought this made for a good composition. After finishing the painting I decided to put in the rock quarry that was in the distance. I figured if I ever painted this scene again, that would certainly be the difference. The trucks and large equipment worked all day which I am assuming they do this every day. So the chances of that mountain being in the distance in the future will be slim to none. The golfers came and went during the time I was painting. I did manage to capture a couple of them on the green putting and their cart in the distance. The next day I was able to paint was the following Monday after a weekend at the Afghan Hound Club of California specialty and Hound Classic. Boy had the weather changed. It was scorching hot. I wanted to get through the painting quickly in the morning as I knew we were expecting 97 degrees that day. Louise Smith painted along side of me. I opted to go to the back side of the golf course and up in the mountains that overlooked the fairways of #16. I liked the formations of the mountain and the way the cut into the mountain for the fairway. The man made lake was on the side and the mountains in the distance had special interest and color. I am not sure which painting I will turn in to Mr. Sahabi. Right now I like them both equally, so I am asking opinions. Whichever painting is left over, I am sure my son Matthew will love to add the other one to his collection of golf course paintings. So let me hear your comments. Sometimes an artist that has worked on paintings cannot see a first impression like others. So what is your first impression. The first painting is hole #9, second is fairway #16. The painting at the end of this post is from last years Dos Lagos. The 30 artists chosen this year for the collection will be painting at Green Earth Day this Sat. April 19, 2008. Hope to see you there. Look for the PAAR booth which will carry some paintings from the 30 artists. Terry 

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