These palms are across the way from my home and right out my front door. I see them every time I go outside. When I see them I say to myself, I need to paint those palms. I wanted to also get the San Bernardino mountains in the background, so I had to wait for a clear day and a clear morning. With winter approaching I knew I better get it done. I love painting palms. I never realized until I started painting them how many different varieties we have in southern California and how different they are. This grouping is actually all that is left of an orange grove. I have noticed, in the groves that they are removing from the area to put in more shopping, that the palm trees are staying. I don't know the history on this, but if any of you do, that would be nice to know. This painting will be for sale at the Redland's University 100 year Centennial on Oct. 27, 2007 along with several others that I am painting for the event. Enjoy the art! Terry
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