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Weekly Paintings By National Award Winning Artist Terry d. Chacon
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
More University of Redlands Paintings

This was the first day of painting at the University of Redlands Centennial Celebration. I should say the first day for me. The event started on Sat. I was up north at the Northern Afghan Hound Club Specialty show where Apache was awarded an award of Merit by judge Ed Gilbert. The following day judged by Edith Hanson, Chief was awarded reserve winners dog. It was a very nice weekend. Matthew and his girlfriend Taylor joined Abbe, Bruce, Bobby and me on Sat. evening for dinner and then came back to spend the next day with us at the dog show. This was Taylor's first dog show and I am sure an eye opening experience. Anyway Eddie had called to tell me the fires had started in Malibu and that I needed to be sure and check when I got to Abbe's in Santa Barbara if the freeway was open before I tried to come on home. I really wanted to get home Sunday night as I had life drawing class on Monday morning and I needed to get ready for the Paint Out at the University. When we arrived at Abbe the 101 was still open so I headed out. The wind was blowing so bad. By the time I got to the 210 which is after Pasadena the wind was blowing so bad that I saw 5 big wheelers turned over on their side. This was after midnight, so one could say I was getting really frightened. Signs were blowing, debris from everywhere. I just held onto the stirring wheel and made it home. I was saying my prayers. Now back to the Paint out. The first 3 paintings were the first day. You can see that there were no mountains in the back ground as compared to the same views I had painted a couple weeks before. You can go back in the blog and view these. It was so strange how the sky constantly changed colors. In Redlands we don't usually get the winds. The winds are all around us and the Arrowhead fires were right behind these buildings. At night you could see the flames. It was very scary. So we painted all day. The next morning I wanted to arrive at 6:30 as I thought early morning looking East I could at least get some colorful skies. That was the painting I did in the previous blog named "Rose Garden at Sunrise". 
After the Rose Garden I met up with my friend Pat and we liked the trees as they were turning Fall colors against the roof tops and the clock tower. By this time the smoke was very bad. We had to paint with masks on. The ash was floating around, it was unbelievable. Remember on a clear day this setting has beautiful mountain scenery behind them. That afternoon after a bunch of us PAAR painters met at the commons for lunch and rest. We walked around and looked at different views to paint. I decided to call it a day. I was very tired. On Thursday I got out to paint around 8 a.m. I had remembered the beautiful light the morning before on the Larsen Hall and was hoping the sun would peak through again, this is the painting with the dome, so I set up on the quad at the University and looked up the street to paint the dome and the way the nice shadows were hitting this particular side of the building. After lunch a few of us decided to go back to my house and rest before painting our last painting of the day. This painting is on the blog before this, named "Sunset at the Alumni House".
Eddie thought it would be nice for me to invite the PAAR group over on Friday morning after take in of our paintings for the GALA Friday night, as many of our members come from quite a ways away. Here is a photo of some of the group who came over to spend the day before the Gala and in between an Artist luncheon that they had at the University for us. Also a photo of my booth which was set up on Sat. for a sale of the weeks work and some paintings I had done of some surrounding areas of Redlands. I also had available ceramic tiles, music boxes and note cards. It was a great selling day for all. Ceramic tiles, music boxes, note cards of the
paintings and some of the paintings are still available. If you are interested be sure to contact me at Well thanks for listening about my week, it was a great time and I only wish Redland's University would make this an annual event. Terry

Monday, October 29, 2007
U of R paintings

Well the week is over and I am beat. I wanted to try and get a couple paintings up for your viewing this morning before I leave for my life drawing class. The paint out was a huge success. Over 75 Plein Air painters from all around took part and what an exhibit/show we had. The fires in southern California did not stop the juices from flowing from the artist who set out to paint no matter the circumstances they had to overcome. I was not able to paint on the weekend so I didn't get one painting with a blue sky or with a clear view of the mountains that are so beautiful behind the gorgeous buildings at the University of Redlands. I did paint some paintings previously and I will put them up along with the new ones so you can see what I am talking about. The 2 paintings here were my choices for the art show. I painted the first one "Rose Garden at Sunrise" on Wed. morning. I wanted to try and get a beautiful sky and a hint at the mountains from the south east corner looking out over the rose garden. I got there at 6:30 a.m. and set up and waited patiently for the sun to start its way up. It was everything I had hoped for. The colors were remarkable and I just love the vista in this painting. The second painting was on the very last day of the paint out. A few of the painters were getting really tired by this time and I said lets take a break and go to my house. After the break we left around 4 p.m. back to the University. I had in mind what I wanted to capture in my last painting until I took the back way into the University. I wheeled my car around when I saw this view and set up on the northeast corner of Colton Ave. overlooking the entrance and the Alumni house in the distance. The beautiful sky captured the moment as the sun was setting. This is "Alumni House at Sunset". I will post the rest of the paintings later today and tomorrow so you can see them all. I did 7 paintings in 3 days. Any questions, please ask. Until then, Terry
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Chapel Tower w/flags

Today is October 7. 2007 and 2 weeks away from the Redland's University Centennial. I woke up and the sun was shining, the sky was really blue. My son Matthew is here visiting from Monterrey and he and his dad went out golfing. They left around 6 a.m. I fell back asleep and woke up after 8. I jumped up, hurried to get everything ready and was at the University a little past 9 a.m. I wanted to get a painting done before my guys called me that they were home from golf, so I figured I had a couple of hours. I drove around the campus and notice how beautiful the full length column flags were against the crisp blue natural sky on the Chapel Tower. It was begging me to paint. I know I have done the tower twice before, but never had I actually noticed this corner view from the administration building up on the hill looking across the campus with the beautiful San Bernardino mountains in the back ground. The only difference in the flag view and the view I was seeing was the mountains in the flags have snow on them. This is beautiful in the winter time and I need to go paint this view after a snow fall. I set up and began to paint. At first I could not get the mountains the right color and I kept working. They were rosy color against the blue mountains in the background and they also had some gold color in them. I scraped the paint off once and started over and finally got the result I wanted. After finishing the painting and feeling quite satisfied, Matthew called and said they were home. I said I will be there in 5 minutes I am just finishing up. I finished up the clock on the tower and started to pack up. Low and behold when I went to grab the painting off the easel it fell hitting the easel in several spots but I saved it from hitting the ground. Well the 5 minutes turned into 30 minutes, but I manged to save the painting. On my way home, my friend Pat called to see if I had any paintings in the Stage Coach days in Banning. She said they had called her to come pick hers up as the wind was blowing so bad the tents were unstable and flying everywhere. When I got home, my friend Ada called, said she heard I was out painting and she said in Riverside the wind was blowing just terrible. I could not believe how beautiful it was in Redlands. No wind to be found. Often time when the wind is blowing in surrounding areas we are just as calm as can be. I think it is these beautiful mountains that surround the community. Enjoy the painting and the beautiful Redlands view, I know I enjoyed creating it. Terry
Friday, October 5, 2007
Moving Afghan Hound

I got up this morning hoping to go painting in Plein Aire at the University, but it was windy, cold and trying to spit rain. I worked a bit on the computer getting packages ready to send to customers for the week. I then decided to watch a new video I had ordered from Susan Sarback. Susan is my mentor when it comes to painting with the palate knife. I have taken 2 workshops with her in the past and she actually started me using the palate knife. She has always said to me that I can paint my dogs with a palate knife but I have never given it a try from start to finish. Most of the time I might use the palate knife to finish up a painting for highlights and edges. So watching the video was very inspirational. I then found an 11 x 14 canvas and a photo of Apache that Wynne Kalish took at the 2006 nationals and started in painting with my knife. I got about 1/3 done and thought this is just awful. The paint was going nowhere. I then decided to step back and take a look at where I was going wrong. Trying to remember the steps I take to create a painting in Plein Aire, I started painting shapes instead of painting the dog. Got all the ground work in using the masses that I was seeing, painting the lights with warm colors and the darks with cool colors. Guess what it worked. I am very proud I finally did this technique that so many have said I should try. The photo does not really show you all the colors that I used, you will have to take my word that it is very colorful in real life. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Terry
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
April in her comforter

Finishing up this week is my latest painting of my very special greyhound "April". April loves to get on any bed, mess up the comforters or I think she thinks she is making her own bed and then snuggle down into the comforter. What I love about this painting is her eye. She will not move from this position but if you come into the room she will follow you with her eye never moving any other part of her body. I always wanted to capture this moment and I love the outcome. Enjoy. Terry
Commission Paintings-Ally & Katie
Monday, October 1, 2007
University of Redlands Clock Tower

I decided to try a painting in late afternoon but I had no idea that I would be serenaded throughout my painting session. When we arrived at the University we couldn't figure out why there were so many cars and no place to park. We drove around and around. Finally finding a place by the gymnasium. When we got out of the car the blasting began and the young people were everywhere. We walked up towards the administrative building and I saw this lovely composition with the mountains in the back ground, the roof tops, part of the gymnasium is in the lower left corner (it is a huge building on campus), and of course the clock tower. There is a clock on every side and you can see this from most everywhere on the campus. That way everyone knows when it is time to be in class and they won't be late! OK, I just through that end because it sounded good! Anyway lots of things happen when you are outside of a concert. The police are swarming, (I ran into my police buddy Pete, who has been so great during all the days the artist have been painting at the University), the kids are plentiful (one was very intoxicated, yelling as he approached, not a good sign with all the police and he was escorted out in no time), the music was loud (very loud, I think it was music, I must be getting old), most people looked like they were having a great time. I cannot believe how many people talk constantly on their cell phones, how did we ever find our friends when we were growing up. Some of them stopped by to chat about the painting which was very refreshing to know there were some interested in visual art. Anyway enjoy the art, until next time, Terry
Redlands Palms

These palms are across the way from my home and right out my front door. I see them every time I go outside. When I see them I say to myself, I need to paint those palms. I wanted to also get the San Bernardino mountains in the background, so I had to wait for a clear day and a clear morning. With winter approaching I knew I better get it done. I love painting palms. I never realized until I started painting them how many different varieties we have in southern California and how different they are. This grouping is actually all that is left of an orange grove. I have noticed, in the groves that they are removing from the area to put in more shopping, that the palm trees are staying. I don't know the history on this, but if any of you do, that would be nice to know. This painting will be for sale at the Redland's University 100 year Centennial on Oct. 27, 2007 along with several others that I am painting for the event. Enjoy the art! Terry
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