It's official and on the AKC Museum Of The Dog website.
It is such an honor to have been asked to exhibit my work at the American Kennel Club Museum Of The Dog. My "Dog Show Scenes" represent some of the most prestigious dog show events around the country and the collection is a series I have been working on for the past few years. Also in the exhibit will be some of my bronze work.
I am looking forward to attending the reception on May 31, 2014. I hope to see you there. 
The reception will be hosted by Mississippi Valley Kennel Club in conjunction with the Saluki
Club of America supported shows and the 42nd Specialty show of the
Afghan Hound Club of St. Louis.
For further information on the reception and to RSVP, please contact Stephanie Gamble
( or Jarnell Carter (
For further information regarding the exhibit, please contact the AKC Museum Of The Dog. Info on my card above.
Until next time, Please enjoy the ART! Terry d. Chacon