"View from the The Dog Park" 9 x 12 oil on canvas board by Terry d. Chacon
On Sat. Feb. 19, 48 artist from around southern Cal. from the beaches to the mountains, the desert and locally pounced upon Riverside, Ca. for the 6th Annual Plein Air Artists of Riverside paint out. The artist checked in at the Riverside Art Museum and were treated to a mini Art Expo from some of our sponsors. King of Frame, Riverside Art Supply, Judy Coyle the Brush Lady, Acrylics by Golden and Brella the Umbrella. After the check in they hit Mission Inn Ave. Our first location was the historic Mission Inn. Always a favorite for any artist to paint. After a much needed lunch, it started to rain so I decided to pack it up and head home and give it a try on Sunday.
Sunday we could paint along Mission Inn Ave and throughout downtown Riverside from the railroad tracks to the Santa Ana river.
My first painting below
"Exiting Freeway 91" is a 6 x 6 oil on canvas.
There was another car in the parking lot when I started painting. Unfortunately as I got so far on the painting, the lady left. So I went and got my car, and put it in the spot. After doing this another lady literally came and parked right in front of this car blocking my total view. I motioned to her to move, but she thought I was absolutely nuts. My artist friend Pat Ford, went over to her and asked her if she could move back as she was in my view of my painting. She reluctantly moved back and did not seem very happy to do so. After all who was I to ask her to move......
After another great lunch including margaritas with a few of the artist at the Mission Inn we walked around the mall area looking for a spot to paint. ada m. passaro had said she was going home, but she started driving around and said the dog park had wonderful views at this time so a group of us headed out. The first painting on this blog above was the result of that time. |
This painting and the one below were both completed on Monday at Martha McLean Narrows. The top one I was attracted to the way the edge had literally been washed away and left this cliff. Down below the water separated and left the island in the middle. The rains in Dec. really took a tow on how I remembered this location from our paint out last year. But all in all a very special place to paint. |
The above painting was done quickly in the afternoon. The sun was fading and I loved the shadows and light that was reflecting from the bridge.
"The Landmark at the Quarry" This year we were lucky to be able to add "The Quarry" to our locations. After convincing by our locations chair ada m. passaro. Hank the GM decided it would be a good idea. After he saw the quality of work and met some of the artists he has indeed invited us back again.
Please check out "The Quarry Golf Course" here:
http://www.oakquarry.com/ This is one of the most picturesque golf courses in the Inland Empire and rated #25 out of the top 100 golf courses in California for its beauty and difficulty in playing. Golfers come from all over to play this course. It was a pleasure to be able to paint. We were only allowed on the patio and around the side by the entrance. But from these two spots there are many paintings to be done.
"The Pond" On Wed. we arrived at Rancho Jurupa Park early morning. It was cloudy and misty. I had started another painting and was disappointed in where it was going so to avoid anymore frustration I scraped all the paint off and did this nice little 8 x 10. As I was working on the painting someone called my name. I turned to this very handsome young man who introduced himself and said he was with CBS news and had come out to do an interview with me and take some footage of the artist at work. This painting along with others ended up on the CBS news. It lasted maybe 10 seconds, but they announced our group twice before cutting to commercial before talking about the event. Laura Diaz did a great job explaining Plein Air and Jackie Johnson also said she liked the word Plein Air and it looked like the group was having a great time. |
"My Boys at the Quarry" I did this 9 x 12 for Eddie's office. Although he thought I did a nice job on the first painting from the golf course he wondered why I had not put more of the course in the painting. So early morning I took on this scene. Last minute I decided to put the two figures in and call it "My Boys" since they love golf and play all the time. |
After a fun lunch including margaritas with around 30 artists I had a little time to paint a small painting of The Quarry. This huge rock bluffs was amazing and when you are there they are mesmerizing in size and depth. I especially enjoyed how everything was back lit at this time and because our theme was "Water, Water Everywhere", I wanted to get a portion of one of the water holes in the painting. This was a fun painting to do. |
"Mood Setting" 8 x 10 oil on canvas. When we arrived at Fairmount Park it was freezing cold, overcast and spitting rain. I rushed to find a place to paint and I loved the brilliant light coming through the clouds and the reflection onto the water.
Terry painting at Fairmount Park (photo by Joan Coffee). Burr it was cold, my fingertips were numb. I quickly finished the painting after this photo was taken.
"Quick Draw 2011" This view was from the Riverside Arts Project gallery.
Terry painting in front of Riverside Arts Project (photo by Rachael Dzikonski) where we held the Quick Draw and where the paintings from the 9-day paint out will be hung. The reception is this Friday from 6 to 8 and the exhibit continues until May 4, 2011. Open to the public, come by for some wine and cheese and look at the Riverside Landscapes from the PAAR Paint Out 2011.
Sunday was our last day and a free day to return to any of the sites excluding the golf course. I knew when I woke up and saw that the sun was shining and the mountains were full of snow that Rancho Jurupa would be the place for me to go paint. There is nothing better than palm trees and snow capped mountains. This is 11 x 14 larger than I normally paint in plein air and after getting started I now know why I paint smaller in plein air.
Until next time, please enjoy the art!
Terry d. Chacon