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Weekly Paintings By National Award Winning Artist Terry d. Chacon
Friday, April 30, 2010
Redlands Daily Facts
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Horse Shoe Ranch

"Reading Stories" 9 x 12 oil on canvas by Terry d. Chacon
Today we were invited back out to paint one of the sites on the list for the RAA and Redlands Conservancy. Seems the day for Horse Shoe Ranch, only a couple artist showed up so they wanted more to come and paint their beautiful horse ranch. The ranch not only boards horses but has cows including Long Horn's (boy were they big).
When we arrived we were met by the owner, she said they had just finished their new home on the property and moved in, in Dec. What a view and what a beautiful new home. She said they had always spent money on the stables and decided they should do something nice for them.
I decided to paint the vista overlooking the stables and I stood right in front of their new home, which this is one of their many views. I have always wanted to paint horses in a vista painting and this was my chance.
I first scoped out some horses and made note of their gestures and most of them seemed to be checking out the ground. Must have been feeding time earlier. My friend tells me when we walk our dogs that when they are sniffing the ground they are reading stories, so I suppose these horses are reading stories also.
I loved the vista with the ever changing colors of trees and the backdrop of mountains in the distance.
All the animals and people seem to be having a wonderful time on their day at Horse Shoe Ranch. A beautiful site to see.
Until next time, ENJOY THE ART!
Terry d. Chacon
I decided to put paintings 1, 3 and 4 from my last blog in the Redlands Open Air Show. I turned them in this morning before finishing this painting. Otherwise this painting probably would have been in the show, I love animals. However, this painting and all the paintings I have done are available through me at I will be at Redlands, Art in the Park on May 8 and 9, 2010. Be sure to come by to see my collection of Redlands landscapes.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Winning Title and Pick Three!
The title winner of one of the paintings is below. A huge thanks to everyone who participated, it was a hard choice, but I think I found something very suitable.

"Bachelor Button" Three Sisters Farm-9 x 12 Oil on Canvas by Terry d. Chacon
Local Harvest / Farmers Markets / Family Farms / CSA / Organic Food
Sunday, April 25, 2010
California Poppy Reserve

On our way out to the Reserve we spotted a previous spot that looked inviting for a painting session which had the beautiful purple/blue flowers that gradated into the poppy fields with the beautiful poppies on the rolling hills in front of the distant mountains. We drove back to the spot and it was even more beautiful as the sun had moved west and the shimmer was on those rolling hills. As we got out of the car we could not believe how hard the wind was blowing now. We set up behind the car trying to shelter ourselves, but still had to anchor our easels and could not use our umbrellas. I even had to take my hat off as the wind kept catching the brim and covering my eyes.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Soffel Farms

"Soffel Farm Store" 9 x 12 oil on canvas by Terry d. Chacon
Painted this painting this morning. This cute little farm is down the street from where I live and is surrounded by orange groves. I pass it all the time. They sell honey, avocados, oranges, lemons, just about everything. I took out all the signs and fencing that surround this cute little place as I felt they were an eye sore for what I wanted to capture. Sometimes you have to look past all the stuff to visualize a painting.
Another beautiful part of this particular setting is the beautiful back drop of the San Bernardino Mountains. Fresh snow on the left, this is Lake Arrowhead area. The light was so beautiful on the lower mountains, the sun made them shimmer in the distance.
This is a high contender for the exhibit at the RAA and Redlands Conservancy Open Air show, coming up next weekend. I will have to see if I can get out again next week before take in day.
Until Next Time, Enjoy the ART! Terry d. Chacon
Thursday, April 22, 2010
It's a Virtual Party

"Waiting to Ride" 6 x 8 alla prima oil on canvas by Terry d. Chacon
This is my entry for the Virtual Party. Virtual Party was started by Kim Santini and Linda Shantz. Every few months they send out a photo to the group, the photo for this event was supplied by Kim, you have 24 hours to paint the photo and submit it to the forum. It is challenging as they never give you a heads up, just here it is paint and submit. You can visit the blog by clicking on the title to this blog. Entries are due Sat. April 24 and all entries should be up on the blog next week. Fun to see how all the artist take a photo and interpret it so differently, but that is why I like doing this. I like the challenge and I enjoy painting horses.
Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Separation Anxiety

"Separation Anxiety" 8 x 10 oil on canvas panel by Terry d. Chacon
Today I got up early to get ready to go out and paint with the Redlands Plein Air group and low and behold it was spitting rain and cold. So I decided to start some other things, working on some commission works. Around 9:30 am the sun came out and the sky was blue. I thought ok, I am going to give this a try. I loaded up my painting gear and took off to the site.
Today was the Redlands Foothill Groves Packing House. This is the last big packing house in San. Bernardino County. I arrived and we were told to check in at the office. After signing in and getting my badge a very nice lady took me around to look at some places to paint. A couple artist were painting inside as the workers separated by hand the oranges. I had walked the venue before checking in and notices the machine out back that looked to be separating the leaves and stems from the oranges. They then take these oranges and they load them onto a conveyor belt and it takes them inside. I am sure somehow this is where they are sent to the workers who hand separate the good from the bad. I was especially drawn to the light on the building behind the conveyor belt of oranges and the light on the boxes in the foreground.
After setting up my easel, I started to paint. I quickly got in the bins in the foreground as I had a feeling once full they would be taken away. Sure enough they did. Then a large truck came and parked right in front of me for a while. This is why it is so important to quickly get your sketch on the canvas and block in with color. I was able to work on my painting and then finish it up when the guy moved the truck. Oh the trials of a plein air artist! It became dark and cold and you could see it was snowing on the mountains. I was really freezing by the time I got to my car and put my gear away. So nice to be home where it is warm, but happy that I gave it a try and very pleased with the new painting.
Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
PS: Don't forget about my website sale. Ends May 1, 2010. Tiles are still available, however, some designs are sold out. Please let me know which one's you are interested in and I will check it out for you.
Friday, April 16, 2010
"A Fool For Love" Lost Wax Bronze

Lost Wax Bronze Limited Edition of 25 by National Award winning artist Terry d. Chacon.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you my newest bronze creation. Taken from my own greyhound who has been the most intriguing special animal I have ever owned. April turned 10 on April 1, 2010. She was bred by Scott Thompson and Bruce Clark and given to my son 10 years ago. We have cherished everyday with her and it is only fitting that this new bronze be named after her. "A Fool For Love" April to her friends and she has many!

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Addicted to Plein Air

"Baby Mandarins" 9 x 12 oil on canvas by Terry d. Chacon
Redlands Art Association partnering with Redlands Conservancy The Redlands Conservancy are hosting an open air painting event. (take a look at the Redlands Conservancy website to see my painting which they chose to promote one of their events) The theme for this event is "Working Properties". We will be painting every wed. and Sat. for the next month with an exhibit of the paintings and juried exhibition May 2, through May 7, 2010 at the Redlands Art Association. All artwork exhibited must be plein air and painted during the month of April. Yesterday I met of with a group of artist to paint a packing house nestled back into a fabulous view of the San Bernardino mountains. When I arrived early in the morning the view was spectacular and the light on the mountains was incredible. The newly planted mandarin orange trees mostly in shadow had a wonderful spot of light as well as the beautiful flowers in the foreground. Sometimes you have to make a good composition of the scene before you, this one was handed to me on a silver platter!

"Lupin" 6 x 8 oil on canvas board. As I finished my first painting Pat had started another one and the other artist were still working so I decided to do a small painting. This is looking into the side lit trees with the shimmer of the grasses going up the hill. Having more shadows made it easier to work with. We then packed up, stopped at a nice little sub shop, ate a sandwich and got home around 8 pm. Twelve hours of painting, yes I think we are addicted to Plein Air!
Let me know which painting is your favorite, I like them all for different reasons, but would like to know your opinion. Close up you see a lot of palate knife strokes which take over, step back from your computer screen you will see the paintings much better.
Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Gem Of the Valley

On Monday April 5, I was asked to do a plein air demo for the Gem of The Valley Art Association in Murietta, Ca. What a great group of nice receptive artist, they were attentive, asked lots of questions and were very gracious. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I thank them for the opportunity to give my approach to one of my passions of painting en plein air.

First I sketched a simple sketch on the panel explaining what I would look for in a composition if I were actually painting out doors. I had taken a photo of the San Gorgonio Inn which I had recently painted on another day with the Plein Air Artists of Riverside. I liked the photograph because of the beautiful grouping of palms in the foreground. The beautiful distant mountains with snow caps are always a draw for me. This rustic old building which has great history will soon be torn down and replaced by a multi purpose center. I wanted to show the group about capturing light in a painting, and the grouping of palm trees in the foreground was my main focus. Since you have less than 2 hours to not only paint but talk and teach it is hard to do a complex composition, so this simple composition served well for the demo.

I quickly explained how you only have a short amount of time to do your painting as the light changes when you are painting out doors. You have to quickly get your sketch and values in the painting. I put tiny bits of color in each mass and rework them until I feel the value is correct. I don't fill up each mass until I am satisfied that the colors will work as an abstract under painting.
Once the values are correct I continue to paint each mass starting with the darkest dark first. I try to work with 7 or less masses, this particular painting has 6.

The above painting shows the value in the painting and note the photo on the easel with 2 of my other paintings. I was working from that photograph. It is different to do a painting from a photograph explaining the procedure and approach that I would use if I were indeed out in the open air. But I kept imagining I was outdoors and giving my thoughts as I went along.

There was a full house for the demo (around 40), this was taken during the refreshment break.