Terry at the Opening of the
Plein Air Artists of Riverside Exhibit. Her painting "
Anza Narrows" was awarded Best Use of Color by noted
plein air artist William
http://www.williamwray.com/ This was especially gratifying for me to win this award. I have studied with
plein air artist Susan
Sarback who owns the school of Color and Light in
FairOaks, Ca.
Susan Sarback, master painter of light and color, has distilled the essence of Monet's luminous approach to painting into a w... Her workshops are
phenomenal and I feel I am starting to grasp this very special technique. Using a palate knife helps to keep your colors pure and not muddy looking. Susan studied this technique with Henry
Hensche. When I first wanted to start painting
Plein Air I looked on the
Internet at other
Plein Air Artists. The technique that I especially liked and I am sure because of my long attraction to Monet, was dominant in certain artists. When I looked them up I found that all of them had studied with Henry
Hensche. Six years ago Susan was giving a workshop in
Laguna. I loved it and knew I was hooked on this technique. I have taken workshops from others and keep coming back to this technique and to Susan. I am now dedicated to this style and so happy to have been recognized by others who also appreciate it.

"Tamale Gathering" 9 x 12 on canvas board.
On Sunday, the second day of the 2010 9-day paint out. We arrived early in the morning to enjoy a continental breakfast with the artist and then to go out and paint Mission Inn Ave. in Riverside. After walking around I decided to paint the back entrance to the mall area, I liked the Tamale Factory building as it was all in shadow and the sun was lit down the side and into the mall. The distant palm trees added to the composition to show some distance. Even though it was early morning, clouds in and out, the back alley way was buzzing with people arriving to work for the day.

5 x 7 "Fox Top"
This painting was completed on the same day. I wanted to paint the newly renovated Fox Theatre in the morning, but found out later in the day would be the best. The sun just glistened as it hit the top of the building. After I finished this little painting I set it on the trash can that was behind me while I packed up my gear. The wind was starting to move in and it was getting quite cold. I went to grab the painting and it went right down the shoot of the trash can. Here I stood leaning over and digging through the tiny opening to retrieve my painting. It had mostly dirt and leaves stuck to the fresh oil paint, so I packed it up and took it home. I set it on the easel to try and clean it up. The next day when I came home one of my dogs must have tripped over the easel leg and I found it face down on the floor. Wet oil paint works like a suction cup when it hits. I put it back on the easel and tried to smooth out some of the smear. Funny thing that beautiful light is still glistening on the painting, just don't get to close. A small painting with a lot of history.
The Fox Center for the Performing Art - Broadway in RiversideDay 3 was
Buena Vista Bridge. I won't post this painting, probably my worst of the week. Hey they can't all be little gems. I think I may, however, cut the 6 by 12 in half. I do like half of it.

"Distance from Victoria Bridge" 9 x 12 on canvas board.
Day 4 was Victoria Bridge.
Victoria Bridge, Riverside, California on Flickr - Photo Sharing!Our Locations Chair
ada m.
passaro was able to get special permission from the City of Riverside for us to paint this bridge. The city employee arrived early while we were having our continental breakfast tail gate with coffee and pastries to start the day and opened the gate for us to drive down a steep hill into the bottom of the bridge. I chose to paint on top in the morning and then hiked down in the afternoon to paint the painting below. My first painting which I so looked forward to painting because of the distant Mt. Baldy full of snow is above. Nothing like California winters, palm trees and snow covered mountains. Absolutely beautiful.

"Looking Up, Victoria Bridge" by Terry d.
Chacon 6 x 12 on canvas board

"Bridge to Benedict Castle" 9 x 12 on canvas board
On Wed. we painted at Benedict Castle. What a treat this was. Luscious gardens surround this castle built in 1922.
Benedict Castle - Inland Empire Weddings, Banquets, Receptions, Conferences This painting was my husbands favorite of the series from this years paint out.

Anza Narrows" 9 x 12 on canvas board. This was painted on Thursday. More on this painting above.

"Reflections of De
Anza Bridge" 8 x 10 on canvas board.
After painting the first painting we walked down toward the bridge. It was around 2 in the after noon and as we were walking I noticed some great shadows on the banks of the river that passes under the bridge on the far right. I thought, those reflections have to be on the river also. I hiked down and over to the edge and there it was. I set up my gear and started to paint. It was kind of a weird feeling, like someone was watching. I could hear the bull frogs, the birds and a lot of stuff moving around in the brush. I wanted to paint this scene so bad that I kept on painting even though the feelings were so
weird. Then about that time the Union Pacific train comes over the bridge. Here I am little
ol me, down below and the whistling train goes by about 70 miles an hour. I am thinking OH MY God, I could be history. Then I heard a little voice calling out my name. My painting buddies Susan
De'Armond and Pat Ford had been trying to call me and could not get through. They were worried so bless Susan she hiked all the way over just to make sure I was
OK and to tell me I did not have phone service. I told her thank you and that I was almost finished and would hike back out in about 15 minutes. I really liked the painting and was happy I had taken the chance of doing this, but in thinking about it later realized it was probably not the smartest idea I have had! The buddie system is really the best and safest when you are out painting in plein air.
"Foot Bridge at Fairmount Park" 9 x 12 on canvas board.
Always a treat is to paint the beautiful Fairmount Park In Riverside. Everywhere you look is a painting. I have done many paintings from this park and every time I go back, I want to paint more and more.
For the first time in 5 years Sat. of the 9-day paint out, we had to cancel our Quick Draw competition and Wet Painting Sale at Riverside Plaza and move it to the next day. It was pouring rain. Although rain paintings are wonderful, it is not a day to paint when you expect the public to come out and watch and purchase paintings. The group decided it best to wait until Sunday. What a smart decision. So I went home finished up on details for the next day and took a nap!

"Chico's" This was my "Quick Draw" painting. 8 x 10 on canvas board and completed in a little less than 2 hours. We had 2 1/2 hours to complete a painting and turn it in framed for judging. Then we all went to lunch at
Kilarney's. After lunch we had an awards ceremony and set up our paintings for the wet painting sale. It's not over yet. That evening we celebrated at El
Torito with Margarita's. After dinner, I came home and was absolutely exhausted.
It was another fabulous paint out put on by the Plein Air Artists of Riverside. Our Opening reception is one that people will be talking about for months to come. The exhibit is at Riverside Arts Project Gallery at Riverside Plaza. 3545 Central Ave. Suite 508, between Chico
s and El Torito. The exhibit will be up until May 5, 2010. Go by and take a peak, paintings are available for purchase. Now back to my studio to work.
Hope you have enjoyed my paintings of the 9-day paint out. All are available to purchase. The series is also available in giclee prints and note cards. Looking forward to hearing from you.