Hello everyone! I wanted to send the following link out to you as soon as possible, so the locals can make arrangements to come by on Sat. to the Riverside Art Museum. The "Quick Draw" event is from 9 to 4. From 9 until 11:30 you can watch the artists create a painting that will be judged by David Solomon from Laguna Beach. Awards and wet painting sale starts at 1 p.m. You will be able to view and purchase artwork created by the artists during the 9 day paint out from 1 to 4 p.m. Hope to see you there. I am hoping to get some of my works up on my blog either tonight or tomorrow for you all to see. Please bare with me! I am surprised I have had time to paint!!!!! Until next time, enjoy the ART! Terry
Please watch the video below to see some of the artists at work!
Paintings and sculptures by award winning artist. Sign up to receive weekly updates via email.
Comments Welcome
Weekly Paintings By National Award Winning Artist Terry d. Chacon
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Plein Air Artists of Riverside 4th Annual Paint Out

PAAR 9 Day 4th Annual Paint Out!
Well the big day has finally arrived and check in went very smooth. Many board members showed up to help get 48 artists checked in by 10 a.m. A mini art expo was arranged this year. Holbein, King of Frame and Sol Digital were all in attendance showing their wares and giving special attention to the artists on hand. My co-chair Luz Perez has been a great help this year along with board members Joan Coffey, Pat Ford, Louise Smith, Geeta Pattanaik, Nancy Word and the person in charge of the wonderful locations Ada Passaro. Without these ladies none of this would be possible. I thank each one of you!

Second day of the paint out was the famous Victoria Ave. in Riverside, CA.
City of Riverside, California - Park & Recreation
City of Riverside, California - Park & Recreation
Sad thing about today was it was overcast and some scattered rain drops throughout the morning. Not bad enough to keep us from painting but a different kind of challenge. I am always enthralled with our southern California views this time of year. Palm trees and distant snow filled mountains. I think people who don't visit S. Ca. this time of year would be amazed at these beautiful picturesque scenes. I chose Maude street at the corner of Victoria Ave and Maude. The cars as they got further and further away kept grabbing my attention so I decided to put a couple in. This was a fun day of painting, but I much prefer a little sunlight and warm, this painting was truly a struggle.
Tomorrow we are at the Spaghetti Factory, weather doesn't look to be much better, so we shall see what another day brings.
I will try to write as much as I can, when I can about the 9 day paint out. Until next time,
ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A Night to Remember-Gallery 225 New York City

We were hoping to get a little rest before going to the reception but that did not happen. We met up with some friends, had a late lunch and the time just flew by. We returned to our room, got ready for the reception and ran to get a cab. The cab driver took us to the front door of the gallery. We were so surprised to walk in and see my artwork on the front wall as you come through the door and down the steps and to see that the gallery was already full of people.

We managed to work our way through the crowd to find Harv and Barbara Toback to let them know I had arrived. They were very excited that I was there and gave me a very warm welcome. We managed to get enough space around my work so that Abbe could take my photo.
(photo of wall presentation for some of the artist)
The Love Affair - TIME read a little about Iris.
(Iris Love -a special treat that she was able to come to my opening reception. Iris is a famous archaeologist, Guggenheim heiress and a patron saint of dachshunds. "Iris" your kind words about my artwork and my contribution to the Canine Health Foundation will never be forgotten.) Also in the photo is Janet York an artist/sculptor HOME (-Janet York website) of bronze statues in the show, Ruth Winsted (very dear New York friend) and in between a small head shot of my best friend Abbe. Other friends in attendance were the famous Reisman sisters (Fran, Honi and Carol) and of course Roxie the Doxie of which I have painted many times. They were disappointed that none of Roxie's paintings were in the show, I told them next year she would be there. Catherine Bell from Tennessee stopped by, thanks Catherine, was great to see you. I hope I am not forgetting any

Harv Toback (curator of the exhibit/owner of the gallery), Dave Frei (the voice at Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show) and Uno (last years Best In Show Winner of Westminster). Lots of doggies attended the opening which was great. Dog lovers were out in force.

Barbara, Harv and special guest "Uno"

Barbara Toback

(Terry and an admirer of her work!)
As you can see it was a very cold night. I think it was around 10 degrees outside. Amazing that people still came out to support the arts.
As luck would have it, we were in such a rush to get to the reception that I forgot to take my brochures. So on Sunday Abbe and I actually walked to the gallery. It was about 20 city blocks from our hotel, but the temperatures had starting warming up and it was great to be outside. We took the following photos.

(Terry with her Starbucks in front of Gallery 225. If you look closely you can see her paintings through the window on the right.)

This poster was everywhere in New York City. Harv and Barbara advertised this event in some of the best dog magazines that are sent out world wide to the dog fancy. They had an ad in the Westminster catalog and their brochures were practically every place you went. They gave some to the artist and they also placed them every place they went. Dog News in their gossip column about what to do in New York City stated "Don't forget to go to the art show at Gallery 225 on W. 14th st. Most worth while for sure!"

(Terry's paintings at Gallery 225 New York City)
I would like to thank Harv and Barbara for inviting me to be part of this wonderful exhibit. It has opened so many new doors for me and I will be forever grateful.
I will be writing about my New York City trip in my next blog. Judging in Connecticut and attending the all important Westminster Kennel Club dog show.
Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
comments by email:
Hi Terry,
Congratulations on your gallery exhibit. I always enjoy reading you weekly blog!
It was really nice to see you last weekend. Lucia
Dear Terry.
How can we ever thank you enough for the wonderful write up on your blog.
It's fantastic! Visitors continue to stop in and we're up thru March 15th, and we get wonderful comments on your paintings. We appreciate all you do and look forward to seeing your floral pieces.
Take care.
Harv & Barbara
What a wonderful time you had !!! What wonderful exposure !!! I'm so happy for you...ada
I would like to thank Harv and Barbara for inviting me to be part of this wonderful exhibit. It has opened so many new doors for me and I will be forever grateful.
I will be writing about my New York City trip in my next blog. Judging in Connecticut and attending the all important Westminster Kennel Club dog show.
Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
comments by email:
Hi Terry,
Congratulations on your gallery exhibit. I always enjoy reading you weekly blog!
It was really nice to see you last weekend. Lucia
Dear Terry.
How can we ever thank you enough for the wonderful write up on your blog.
It's fantastic! Visitors continue to stop in and we're up thru March 15th, and we get wonderful comments on your paintings. We appreciate all you do and look forward to seeing your floral pieces.
Take care.
Harv & Barbara
What a wonderful time you had !!! What wonderful exposure !!! I'm so happy for you...ada
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Indian Canyon Palm Springs, CA
This past weekend was an organized field trip for Plein Air Artists of Riverside by locations chair Ada M. Passaro. Andreas Canyon is located near Palm Springs. Visit the website for more info. Hiking, horse back riding, picnicking, just go visit to see the beautiful natural landscape.
Indian Canyons - PalmSprings.com
We arrived around 7:20 am, with a stop at the local Starbucks. A PAAR outing would never be the same if Starbucks was not in the picture. After loading up with our favorite morning java drinks we headed out to the canyon.
The Canyons open at 8 a.m., there was already a line of cars waiting to pay their daily fee and go into the magnificent oasis lined with fan palms, waterfalls, trails and beautiful natural plants. The scenes were spectacular and it was very difficult to actually decide what to paint.
I chose the scene looking east as I liked the dramatic shadows from the group of palms on the left and the beautiful blue/purple mountains in the distance. The grouping of natural plants with little white blossoms in the foreground made for a lovely painting and a great remembrance from a beautiful morning of painting with friends and fellow artists.
The day was hardly over. Ada had a arranged for the group to go to the Palm Springs Art Museum to hear a lecture on a very well known early plein air painter Maynard Dixon. I had seen this exhibit a few weekends ago, but to hear the lecture was purely a treat.
Palm Springs Art Museum
The group I was with decided we should go back out to the canyons for an afternoon painting. The shadows were so magnificent at this time. Very bold and strong. The mountains had a beautiful golden glow as the sun was setting behind them and to the west. The painting I did is a little 5 x 7 gem. I loved the play between the palms in the foreground and the one hidden palm that makes up the second shadow. That palm was in full sunlight.
Now this is where the day gets a little nerve racking. As a plein air artists you hear and see a

lot. I was sitting at one of the picnic tables minding my own business and I could feel someone behind me. As I turned there was a young man holding a snake. If you have followed my blog, you know that I am deathly afraid of snakes. I don't stop to see what kind they are, I just move out of their way. The young man is trying to convince me that the snake is very nice. I told him to please move away. About this time a young lady arrives in a car and jumps out. She says to him he is not taking the snake and to put it down. He tries to convince her that it is a very nice snake and he wants to take it home. She refuses. So see the nice little path of bushes in my painting, he walks out there and releases the snake. Thank goodness I was about finished with my painting. I was so nervous that more snakes would be coming at any time, I quickly finished my painting, packed my gear and met the other artists at my car. WHEW! Just writing about the incident makes my blood pressure rise.
All in all it was a beautiful day (except for the snake incident). I hope you enjoy the paintings as much as I enjoyed painting them.
On another note: I leave on Wed. night to New York City for the opening reception on Thursday night from 5 to 8, of the group show I am in at Gallery 225. Read about this on the gallery website: Harvard Toback's Gallery 225 - Past and Present Shows I will be sure to take lots of photos and have a complete report upon my return. While there I will be judging the Nutmeg Afghan Hound Specialty in Connecticut and staying on for the Westminster Dog Show on Monday and Tuesday. After a very busy week, I will be returning next Wed. to Ca. Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon

We arrived around 7:20 am, with a stop at the local Starbucks. A PAAR outing would never be the same if Starbucks was not in the picture. After loading up with our favorite morning java drinks we headed out to the canyon.
The Canyons open at 8 a.m., there was already a line of cars waiting to pay their daily fee and go into the magnificent oasis lined with fan palms, waterfalls, trails and beautiful natural plants. The scenes were spectacular and it was very difficult to actually decide what to paint.
I chose the scene looking east as I liked the dramatic shadows from the group of palms on the left and the beautiful blue/purple mountains in the distance. The grouping of natural plants with little white blossoms in the foreground made for a lovely painting and a great remembrance from a beautiful morning of painting with friends and fellow artists.
The day was hardly over. Ada had a arranged for the group to go to the Palm Springs Art Museum to hear a lecture on a very well known early plein air painter Maynard Dixon. I had seen this exhibit a few weekends ago, but to hear the lecture was purely a treat.
Palm Springs Art Museum
The group I was with decided we should go back out to the canyons for an afternoon painting. The shadows were so magnificent at this time. Very bold and strong. The mountains had a beautiful golden glow as the sun was setting behind them and to the west. The painting I did is a little 5 x 7 gem. I loved the play between the palms in the foreground and the one hidden palm that makes up the second shadow. That palm was in full sunlight.
Now this is where the day gets a little nerve racking. As a plein air artists you hear and see a

lot. I was sitting at one of the picnic tables minding my own business and I could feel someone behind me. As I turned there was a young man holding a snake. If you have followed my blog, you know that I am deathly afraid of snakes. I don't stop to see what kind they are, I just move out of their way. The young man is trying to convince me that the snake is very nice. I told him to please move away. About this time a young lady arrives in a car and jumps out. She says to him he is not taking the snake and to put it down. He tries to convince her that it is a very nice snake and he wants to take it home. She refuses. So see the nice little path of bushes in my painting, he walks out there and releases the snake. Thank goodness I was about finished with my painting. I was so nervous that more snakes would be coming at any time, I quickly finished my painting, packed my gear and met the other artists at my car. WHEW! Just writing about the incident makes my blood pressure rise.
All in all it was a beautiful day (except for the snake incident). I hope you enjoy the paintings as much as I enjoyed painting them.
On another note: I leave on Wed. night to New York City for the opening reception on Thursday night from 5 to 8, of the group show I am in at Gallery 225. Read about this on the gallery website: Harvard Toback's Gallery 225 - Past and Present Shows I will be sure to take lots of photos and have a complete report upon my return. While there I will be judging the Nutmeg Afghan Hound Specialty in Connecticut and staying on for the Westminster Dog Show on Monday and Tuesday. After a very busy week, I will be returning next Wed. to Ca. Until next time, ENJOY THE ART! Terry d. Chacon
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