The life of a Plein Air Artist. It is very difficult to pay attention to daily duties in the studio when the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming. The Bird of Paradise is in full bloom in my garden and I have been just waiting for the right time to go out and paint them. Yesterday I was suppose to be getting ready for our 3rd Annual Paint Out for the Plein Air Artists of Riverside reception when I looked out my bedroom window and saw this Bird of Paradise with this fabulous shadow on the brick wall behind it. I quickly ran and got my paints, a small 5 x 7 canvas board, my knife and a brush and went outside to capture the beauty of this plant. They make you smile as they look like the head of a very exotic bird and the shadow was even better. I hope you enjoy this little painting, I know I enjoyed playing hookie and getting it done! Terry If you would like to purchase this painting by using your credit card through PayPal, please press on the button below
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